Friday, February 24, 2017

Week of February 27-March 3

We only have one more week before we start our PAWS assessments.  We will spend a majority of next week finishing up some concepts and talking about testing strategies which will better prepare the students.  A reminder that February reading calendars are due next Wednesday, March 1st.  I will be out of the classroom this week on Wednesday and Friday afternoon for district meetings.  I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Week of February 20-24

It's hard to believe we are entering the last of February.  We will begin PAWS testing on March 7th.  We will take the reading portion on the 7th, 8th, and 9th of March and the Math section on March 14th, 15th, and 16.  We are asking again to please make sure students are present during those weeks.  I also wanted to remind everyone that this Friday the 24th is an early release.  All other information can be found on the Friday Flier page.  I hope everyone has a great week.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Week of February 13-17

Reminder that we have our once a month swim on Wednesday, February 15th.  I also wanted to remind parents to please make sure you are checking and signing your child's assignment notebook.  We had several students come in this week and didn't have one single day signed.  The purpose for this is to check to see what we are doing and to see if they have any homework.  Several students had homework Monday night and because their notebooks were not signed I didn't receive that homework until Wednesday so please check the notebooks and signed them.  I also wanted to let parents know that we have had an issue with behaviors this week as well.  I had to remind students every day this week that when we wake up we need to tell ourselves that today is a day that I will have a positive attitude and will make positive choices.  I had to use a large part of class time this week towards character education and because of this we were not able to get as much completed that we needed to.  Lastly we have PTO muffins with mom on Friday, February 17th.  I hope everyone has a wonderful relaxing weekend. 

Friday, February 3, 2017

Week of February 6-10

This week we will be moving into our next story in Unit 4 which is titled Hottest, Coldest, Highest, Deepest.  Below you will find a list of concepts being discussed this week.  A reminder that our book, bag, and bite is on Tuesday of this week which is February 7th which I believe starts at 6:30.  It would be awesome to see everyone there.  Games, hams, and other prizes will be raffled off so come on out Tuesday and enjoy.  Lastly, please remember to sign your child's assignment notebook. 

Reading- Compare and Contrast

Grammar- Subject and Object Pronouns

Spelling- R controlled vowels

Math- Perimeter and Area